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Revenue Certificates Genuineness Verification

Revenue Certificates Genuineness Verification To verify the Genuineness of all type of Revenue related certificates like Nativity Certificate Income Certificate Community Certificate No Graduate Certificate and many more….


Sector: Agriculture PMFBY scheme is sensitized and popularized among all the farmers. Farmers voluntarily insured crop and participated in PMFBY scheme to protect their crops from natural calamities like flood, drought etc. PMFBY sensitization and awareness created resulted in insurance coverage of 5376 farmer’s voluntary enrollment in this scheme during Kharif 2017 and Rabi 2017-18. […]

Marriage Assistance Schemes

Eligibility : Unmarried Women can Apply

Ban on Flying Drones News – 06.07.2024 & 07.07.2024

Ban on Flying Drones News – 06.07.2024 & 07.07.2024(PDF 38KB)