History and Schemes of Tamil Development Department
Law of Tamil Official Language
Democracy is run by the people for the people. Based on the ideology of Democracy, a language will be declared as official language is based on the language spoken by majority of people in a State. Tamil is the language spoken by majority of people in Tamil Nadu. The Law of Official Language passed on 27.12.1956 and published Tamil Nadu Government Gazette on 23rd January 1957. Accordingly, in the state confirmed that Tamil is official language in Tamil Nadu.
Official Language Committee
Government of Tamil Nadu established an Official Language Committee on 1957 to implement Tamil in Government Offices. This committee had taken many steps to implement Tamil as official language in the Government Offices. All the Rules, Proceeding Books, Forms were in English. There were problems to transfer of these practices immediately to Tamil. So, Government of Tamil Nadu decided to establish Tamil Development department and handed over these works to this department.
The Origin of Tamil Development Department
In view of the widespread and systemic implement in Tamil as official language in all Government offices, Government of Tamil Nadu established Directorate of Tamil Development Department on 1971. This department is taking care of all the duties of implementing Tamil as official language in Government Offices.
Directorate of Tamil Development department situated in Chennai, headed by Director of Tamil Development Department. Office of Deputy Director, Tamil Development is functioning in Collectorates in all Corporations and Office of Assistant Director, Tamil Development is functioning in Collectorates in all other Districts in Municipalities.
Duty of Tamil Development Department
The primary duty of Tamil Development Department is to implement Tamil as official language. Accordingly, Officers from this department, inspecting Government offices, boards, corporations, autonomous organizations and sending reports.
Inspection in Head Offices
Director of Tamil Development is inspecting Head Offices, Collectorates and Corporations and also inspecting, Autonomous organizations, Boards, associations and networks.
Inspecting in Region Level / District Level / Subordinate Offices
Deputy Director of Tamil Development and Assistant Director of Tamil Development are inspecting Regional, District and Subordinate Offices except the offices inspected by Director of Tamil Development.
Inspection of Official Language
Director, Deputy Directors and Assistant Directors are used to prepare Tour Program for Official Language Inspection. The Tour Program of Director of Tamil Development department is used to send to Secretary and Minister of Tamil Development Department. The Tour Program of Deputy and Assistant Directors of Tamil Development Department are sending to Director of Tamil Development Department for approval.
The inspection dates are prior intimated to the concerned offices and questionnaire is enclosed along with the intimation letter. During the Inspection, the entire details of the office and registers, files, periodical reports, notices, correspondences, Office Orders, Proceedings, Proposals, Travel details, daily reports, Name Board, Notice Boards, Rubber Stamps should be filled in the questionnaire and handed over to the Inspection Officers. Based on these reports, the officers of Tamil Development Department are inspecting the implementation of Official Language.
The doubts are raised during the inspection, will be cleared by the officers of Tamil Development Department. Based on the Inspection Notes, report will be sent to the concerned office. Developments in the course of studies on the status report are appreciated. During the Inspection, the noted drawbacks are pointed out. The Head of the Institution intimated to take effective steps to redress the grievances of completely stripping away the drawbacks cited during inspection.
Based on the report send by the officers, continuing action will be taken and necessary steps are taken to implement Tamil as Official Language.
Incentives and Shield for Official Language Scheme
Based on the scheme of Official Language, to encourage drafts in Tamil Incentives and Shield are provided.
A. Presenting Shield
Based on this scheme, a Head of department, a head of an autonomous organization, and a Collectorate are chosen every year and presenting an appreciation Certificate and a Shied.
B. Presenting Cash Prize
Every year, employees are selected based on writing best notes and drafts are getting Rs.3,000/- as first prize, Rs.2,000/- as second prize and Rs.1,000/- as third prize. Overall Nine Cash Prizes are presented for Employees from Secretariat and Head of Departments and also another Nine Cash Prizes are presenting for Employees of District Offices, Subordinate Offices and Autonomous Organizations.
Workshops and Seminars of Official Language
In order to better usage of Official Language by Government Officers and employees Workshops and Seminars are conducted in every district. Government of Tamil Nadu has allotted Rs.30,000/- for Workshop and Rs.20,000/- for Seminar.
Administrative glossary
Administrative glossary has been printed and distributed at free of cost to the offices of the government department which consists English words with equivalent Tamil Words. This glossary updating and upgrading on a regular basis.
Special glossary
75 special glossaries were published by compilation of words used in various departments of government. Now, these have been compiled and will be published as a single volume.
Model Drafts
A Model Drafts books has been published and providing all the Government Offices, Organizations, Boards to support of best draft writing in free of cost.
Word Bank
Word Bank has been created for Tamil words equivalent to the new English words used in the government offices, Public and Media.
Government Order of Official Language Scheme
Government of Tamil Nadu has given many Government Orders. Some of the important Orders are mentioned below :
- Government of Tamil Nadu ordered for Government Officers and Employees signature should be only in Tamil. G.O.No.1134, dated : 26.01.1978.
- All the official records should be maintained only in Tamil. G.O.No.2618, dated : 30.01.181.
- All remarks should be in Tamil in Service Register. G.O.(Ms) No.1993, Public Department Dated : 28.06.1971
- High Court, Supreme Court, Central and other State Governments, Embassies and other organizations are corresponding only in English are exempted from Official Language scheme and all other departments are communicating only in Tamil. G.O.(Ms).No.432, Education Department dated : 31.10.1986.
- Government ordered to Follow Thiruvalluvar year in Official Proceedings. G.O.(Ms).No.91, Personnel and Administrative Department dated : 03.02.1981.
- Only Government prescribed Tamil Letters should be used in Office Drafts, Files, Proceedings. G.O.(Ms).No.1875, Education Department dated : 19.10.1978. G.O. has published based on the size of Tamil letters placed in Office Boards. G.O.(Ms).No.349, Tamil Development and Cultural Development Department dated : 14.10.187.
Government of Tamil Nadu has been given many Government Orders to implement official language.
Government Tamil Nadu has been actively trying to fully implement the plan official language. Some efforts are being made to projects for Development of Tamil.
Schemes for supporting Tamil Language and the Development of Literature
Many schemes are in implementing by Tamil Development Department for supporting Tamil Language and Literature Development.
Tamil Scholars are facilitated based on their efforts for supporting Tamil Language and the Development of Literature. These awards are presented on Thiruvalluvar Day and Chithirai first day of Tamil New year. Rs.1 lakh cash, citation and one sovereign shield are being presented.
Awards are presented on Thiruvalluvar Day
- Thiruvalluvar Award
- Bharathiyar Award
- Bharathidasan Award
- Thiru Vi.Ka. Award
- Ki.AA.Pe. Viswanatham Award
- Perarignar Anna Award
- Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Award
Awards are presented on Chithirai Tamil New Year
- Tamizh Thai Award
- Kapilar Award
- U.Ve.Sa. Award
- Kambar Award
- Sollin Selvar Award
- G.U.Pope Award
- Umaru Pulavar Award
- Chief Minister Tamil Computing Award
- Illangovadigal Award
- Tamil Semmal Award
World Mother Tongue day has been celebrated for the first time on 21.02.2014 in Chennai. Cultural events, Poetry, Seminars are included in this festival. Chithirai first day Tamil New Year festival are celebrating in grandly.
Prizes for the Best Tamil Books
Best Books are selected for the following 33 categories under this scheme prize amount of Rs.30,000/- along with certificate is given to the author of the selected books and prize amount Rs.10,000/- along with certificate is being given to the publishers of those books.
Financial Assistance for the publication of Books
In order to encourage the publication of best books in Tamil, a scheme to extend financial assistance to the authors is implemented on the basis of the estimate by the government press, 50% of the printing expenditure or Rs.50,000/- whichever is less is given in two installments for authors. Further the annual income should be below Rs.50,000/- for getting financial assistance under this scheme.
Award for Thirukkural Recitation
Government Order has been published to inculcate the ideals of Thirukkural, cash prize of Rs.10,000/- (along with certificate) is given to each student who recites all the 1330 Kural (couplets).
Competition on Poetry & Essay writings and Elocution for students.
To encourage the efficiency in elocution and writing among the students of schools and colleges, competitions on poetry and essay writing and elocutions are being conducted every year.
School-College in District Level | Essay Writing | Poem | Speech |
First Prize | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
Second Prize | 7000 | 7000 | 7000 |
Third Prize | 5000 | 5000 | 5000 |
School-College in State Level | Essay Writing | Poem | Speech |
First Prize | 15000 | 15000 | 15000 |
Second Prize | 12000 | 12000 | 12000 |
Third Prize | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 |
Tamil Literature workshop for youth
(Ilanthamizhar Illakiya Payirchi Pattarai)
Week long workshop is organized to train the interested young writers in writing poetry, essay writing, and elocution training for the orators and training to compere handling the functions by the departmental experts (in various departments). 200 students are trained by this Scheme every year and Rs.20 lakh has been allotted for this scheme.
Nationalization of Books
To commemorate the deceased Tamil scholars, and to make their works to reach all, nationalization of their books is the prime aim of this scheme. Financial assistance has been provided to their legal-heirs for the books.
Financial Assistance for aged Tamil Scholars:
This scheme is being implemented with the intention that the Tamil Scholars who rendered yeomen service for the cause of Tamil should not suffer in poverty during their old age. The eligibility is should have completed the age of 58 years and annual income should not exceed Rs.36,000/-. Monthly financial assistance of Rs.2000/- along with the medical allowance of Rs.100/- are provided. Financial assistance also being given to their successors.
Financial Assistance for Tamil Scholars:
Financial Assistance is being provided throughout the life of Tamil scholars who have rendered yeoman service for the cause of Tamil language. After their demise, financial assistance is being rendered to their legal heirs.
Monthly financial assistance of Rs.3000/- along with the medical allowance of Rs.100/- are provided and Rs.1500/- along with the medical allowance of Rs.100/- for their legal heirs.
Financial Assistance for Border Saviours:
Financial assistance is being rendered to those who participated in the struggle of protecting the boundaries of Tamilnadu. Monthly financial assistance of Rs.4000/- along with the medical allowance of Rs.100/- are provided and Monthly financial assistance of Rs.2000/- along with the medical allowance of Rs.100/- are provided to their legal heirs.
Free Bus Pass
Free bus pass to travel around Tamilnadu at free of cost in the State Transport Corporation are being provided to Tamil Scholars, aged Tamil Scholars and award winners.
Like this, The Government of Tamil Nadu has implemented various programs for those are served for Tamil Development and literature.

Srirangam Rajagopuram